def test(fn):
= ["2","1","+","3","*"]
tokens assert 9 == fn(tokens)
= ["4","13","5","/","+"]
tokens assert 6 == fn(tokens)
= ["10","6","9","3","+","-11","*","/","*","17","+","5","+"]
tokens assert 22 == fn(tokens)
Problem Source: Leetcode
Problem Description
You are given an array of strings tokens that represents an arithmetic expression in a Reverse Polish Notation.
Evaluate the expression. Return an integer that represents the value of the expression.
Note that:
- The valid operators are
, and/
. - Each operand may be an integer or another expression.
- The division between two integers always truncates toward zero.
- There will not be any division by zero.
- The input represents a valid arithmetic expression in a reverse polish notation.
- The answer and all the intermediate calculations can be represented in a 32-bit integer.
- Time Complexity:
- Space Complexity:
from typing import List
from operator import add, mul, sub, truediv
def evalRPN(tokens: List[str]) -> int:
= []
stack # Map each valid operator to a callable
= {'+': add, '*': mul, '-': sub, '/': lambda x,y: int(truediv(x,y))}
for t in tokens:
# For every operator in tokens calculate res of last 2 with that operator
if t in operators:
= stack.pop(),stack.pop()
# if it's not an operator add the value to the stack
stack.append(return stack.pop() # Last value remaining is the answer